Journal For The Heart

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Brand New Start!

Its a delightful way to start the year as Tim finally tipped the 11 kg mark! Yippie! :P I am so happy that he is gaining weight.... He even has a small tummy now :D I weigh around 66.4 kg... gained about 15 kg since being pregnant... and 10 weeks or so to go! Hopefully won't gain so much. ( I gained 17 when i had Tim) Troy weighs 68.6 kg...lost weight as he wasn't feeling that great now with all that fatigue and sore throat from partying the past few days. So its a weight gain year for the boys and weight loss for me after i deliver. Easy resolution for the new year! *ponder* Might seriously think about some resolution :)

What is your new year resolution?


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